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Pekey: Kepentingan Aparat Yang Ditonjolkan

Posted by Papuan Voices On Senin, Desember 26, 2011 1 komentar
Ilustrasi Wartawan Koboi (Foto: Ist)
PAPUAN, Paniai --- Oktovianus Pekey, salah satu tokoh agama yang hadir dalam pertemuaan antar Muspida dan masyarakat Paniai, pada tanggal 20 Desember 2011, di Mapolres Paniai, menyesalkan beberapa pemberitaan di media massa yang dinilai bohong dan tidak benar.

“Banyak komentar saya yang tidak dimuat, malahan dia (wartawan) tambah-tambah kata yang sebenarnya tidak saya ucapkan,” ujar Pekey.

Okto juga meragukan independensi wartawan tersebut, karena menulis tidak sesui dengan apa yang disampaikan, juga apa yang terjadi di lapangan.

“Dari cara menulis berita saja, orang ini (wartawan) bisa dikatakan bekerja dengan mengedepankan kepentingan aparat keamanan,” sebut Pekey.

Menurut Okto, wartawan seharusnya bekerja untuk kepentingan public, dan harus menjalankan tugas secara independen, bukan memihak dan membelah penguasa.

“Hati-hatilah terhadap jurnalis seperti ini,” tutur Okto.

Pekey juga mengatakan, penulis berita tidak memuat penjelasan mengenai pengungsi yang ada di Paniai, padahal pokok ini juga menjadi hangat dibicarakan berbagai pihak.

“Dari isi berita yang ditulis terkesan adanya niat untuk menutupi situasi yang kini sedang dihadapi masyarakat disekitar Eduda seperti Wilayah Ugamo, Wilayah Wegamo dan Wilayah Eka,” jelas Pekey.

Menurut Okto, pasca operasi militer banyak warga di beberapa kampung disekitar Eduda yang telah mengungsi, dan masih tinggal di Enaro.

Okto menambahkan, jika membaca berita yang ditulis Koran Bintang Papua, Koran The Jakarta Globe, dan Viva News, terkesan mendeskreditkan kelompok TPN OPM dengan menggembar-gemborkan tindakan mereka dan kemudian dinilai publik sebagai kelompok yang selalu melakukan tindakan kriminal di Paniai.

“Ini adalah pikiran aparat aparat keamanan yang juga dikedepankan penulis dalam menulis berita. Saya pikir, pandangan ini keliru sekali,” jawab Pekey dengan kecewa.

Kenapa si wartawan, lanjut Pekey, tidak meliput tindakan Brimob yang memeriksa rumah-rumah warga sampai masyarakat pada panik.

“Jangankan meliput tindakan Brimob, untuk liput keberadaan pengungsi yang sempat saya jelaskan saja tidak diliput. Ada apa dibalik semuanya ini?,” tanya Okto lagi.

Oktovianus Pekey mmengklarifikasi beberapa pemberitaan seperti Bintang Papua menurunkan laporan dengan judul “Warga Takut OPM Balas Dendam”, Koran The Jakarta Globe “Papuan Villagers Fear OPM Revenge After Police Attack” dan portal Viva News menulis “Markas Dikuasai, Warta Takut OPM Balas Dendam.”

Dalam ketiga berita tersebut, Oktovianus Pekey merupakan salah satu narasumber yang disebut-sebut, padahal Pekey tak memberikan pernyataan seperti yang di tuliskan wartawan tersebut.

Setelah ditelusuri, wartawan yang menulis berita “bohong dan tidak benar” di ketiga media tersebut adalah Banjir Ambarita.


1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Dear Papuan Voices,

We need all you articles to be translated. There is a war on information, and foreign countries will rely on whatever the Indonesian press is giving them. Your website can counter this.
This is a translation of this article. We need to try to translate all the articles you publish, and if possible, make this site a bilingual site.
Thank you,

ps: Someone else is currently translating the other article: Klarifikasi Berita “Bohong” Terkait Situasi Paniai.


Pekey: It is the interests of the security apparatus that is being promoted.
Posted by Papuan Voices On Monday 26 December 2011
[Translation by L. Tanggahma]
PAPUAN, Paniai --- OktovianusPekey, a religious representative who was present at a meeting between the Regional Guidance Council (Muspida) and members of the Paniai community, on 20 December 2011, at the Police Headquarters (Mapolres) of Paniai, deeply regretted that some of the coverage of the event in the mass media could be qualified as false and untrue.
"Many of my comments were not mentioned, in fact he (the reporter) added words that I did not actually say," said Pekey.
Okto also doubts the independence of the journalist, because his writing does not correspond with what was reported, and it did not match with what happened in the field neither.
"It can be said that by the way he reported, this person (the journalist) was promoting the interests of the security forces," said Pekey.
According to Okto, a journalists should accomplish his work in the interest of the public, and must perform his duties independently, impartially and not defend the ones in power.
"Beware of journalists like this one," said Okto.
Pekey also said that even though various parties described the situation of the refugees in Paniai, the reporter did not include anything on that issue.
"From the way the news is reported, you feel there is a deliberate attempt to conceal facts regarding the situation now being faced by communities around Eduda, such as the Ugamo Region, the Wegamo region and the Eka Region," explains Pekey.
According to Okto, after the military operations, many people in several villages around Eduda have been displaced, and they are still in Enaro.
Okto added that when one reads the news reported by three newspapers, namely, Bintang Papua, The Jakarta Globe and Viva News, one feels that the TPN/OPM is deliberately discredited, as their actions are publicized and then described to the public as groups that always commit crimes in Paniai.
“Those are actually the views of the security forces, that the writer is putting forward as he writes. I believe this approach to be highly inappropriate”, said Pekey with disappointment.
Why did the journalist not cover the fact that the Mobile Brigrade (Brimob) conducted searches in people’ s homes in such a way that it caused panic in the community, continued Pekey ?
"Instead of covering the action of Brimob, in order to cover the presence of refugees that I had explained, none of this is covered. What's behind all this? " Okto asks himself again.
OktovianusPekey further illustrates his words by mentioning some news reports such as the one published by Bintang Papua, an article entitled "Citizens Fear Retaliation of the OPM", The Jakarta Globe newspaper published an article entitled "Papuan OPM Villagers Fear Revenge After Police Attack" and Viva News wrote "As Headquarters are seized, there is Fear that the OPM will retaliate."
In all three stories mentioned, OktovianusPekey is one of the sources mentioned, but Pekey’s statements did not correspond to what the journalist wrote.
After investigation, it appeared the reporter who wrote an “untrue and false” report in all three media, is a certain Banjir Ambarita.


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